摘 要:简述了采用型煤气化技术的背景,合成氨工艺中配套的技术支持。介绍了型煤技术的工艺及设备,简单概算运行成本以及产生的经济效益,得出该技术能够降低生产成本的结论。
中图分类号:TQ546 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1003-6490(2011)03-0039-03
Application of Coal Briquette Gasification in Our Plant
XUE Ying-ying
(Shandong Yankuang Yishan Chemical Co.,Ltd., Zoucheng Shandong 273500,China)
Abstract: Briefly introduce background of coal briquette gasification,and supporting technology in ammonia process. Introduce coal briquette process and equipment,simply estimate the operation cost and economic benefits,and conclude coal briquette gasification could reduce production cost.
Key words: coal briquette;process;equipments;economic benefits