摘 要:简述了壳牌粉煤气化装置的工艺流程;分析了该装置运行2年来出现的问题及原因;提出了相应的技改方案及应对措施;总结了技改效果。结果表明,随着对壳牌煤气化技术的消化吸收和再创新,龙宇煤化工有限公司的煤气化装置长周期稳定运行的天数已逐步提高。
中图分类号:TQ546 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1004-8901(2011)01-0027-03
Productive Operation and Technical Reformation Measures in Shell Coal Gasification Process Plant
REN Xiao-wane
(Longyu Coal Chemical-engineering Company Ltd.,Yongcheng Henan 476600 China)
Abstract:Author has briefly described the process flow of Shell pulverized coal Gasification plant;has analyzed the existing problems and its reasons since 2 running years of this plant;has presented the appropriate technical reformation schemes and counter-measures;has summarized the technical reformation effect.Result indicates that the long-term stable operatmn days is already increased progressively in the coal gasification plant of the Longyu Coal Chemical-Engineering Company Ltd. along with....