作者/来源:闫国富(神华包头煤化工有限公司,内蒙古 包头 014010) 日期: 2013-03-07 点击率:1508
摘 要:从机理、工况两方面分析了180万t/a煤制甲醇项目之德士古水煤浆加压气化装置水系统结垢、堵塞的原因;提出了安装除氧器、使用高效絮凝剂、添加纯碱降低水系统永久硬度等技改措施。结果表明:水系统结垢问题得到了有效缓解。
中图分类号:TQ223.121 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1004-8901(2012)04-0045-04
Fouling Reason and Technical Measure in Water System of Water Coal Slurry Gasification Plant in Project of Methanol Made by Coal with a Capacity of 1,800,000 t/a
YAN Guo-fu
(Shenhua Baotou Coal Chemical Engineering Company Ltd.,Baotou Inner Mongolia 014010 China)
Abstract:Author has analyzed the fouling and blockage and their reason for the water system of the Texico water coal slurry pressurized gasification plant in the project of methanol made by coal;has proposed the technical reformation measures,those were:installing de-aerator,using high effective flocculent,adding pure alkali to reduce permanent hardness in the water system and so on from two aspects of forming mechanism and operation conditions. Result....