摘 要:分析了现有造气吹风气余热回收装置存在的问题;介绍了75t/h三废流化混燃炉余热回收装置的性能与参数;提出了优化改进措施;总结了装置运行效果。结果表明,技改后可有效提高综合热能利用率,技改效益为3836.1万元/a。
中图分类号:TQ703.3 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1004—8901(2013)02—0049—03
Both Production Operation and Technical Reformation Effect for Fluidized and Mix-Fired Furnace of Three Wastes in a Capacity of 75 t/h
MENG Xian-ke
(Anhui Jinmei China Energy and Chemical Engineering Stock Company Ltd.,Linquan Anhui 236400 China)
Abstract:Author has analyzed the existing problems in waste heat recovery device for gasification blowing air;has introduced the property and para....