作者/来源:李海洋,谢 芳,史永永,林 倩(贵州大学化学与化工学院,贵州 贵阳 550003) 日期: 2014-02-24 点击率:1759
摘 要:以煤燃烧过程分析研究为基础,将煤燃烧过程分解为煤干燥过程、煤热解过程、燃烧过程和气渣分离过程,详细分析各过程的机理并建立相应数学模型,重点开展对常规分离器模型的优化。将该煤燃烧过程模型应用于Texaco气化炉,通过对该过程进行编程求解,计算所得的模拟值与文献值吻合较好,证明所建立的煤燃烧过程模型准确合理,为煤燃烧过程的工艺流程的数值模拟研究奠定了基础,可用于气体组成、除尘、脱硫等不同工艺过程的数值模拟研究。在此模型的基础上,进一步分析了在一定物流参数下不同温度对Texaco气化炉煤燃烧生成合成气组成的影响。
中图分类号:TQ534.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0253-4320(2012)07-0098-04
Analysis and modeling of coal burning process and its application simulation of Texaco gasifier
LI Hai-yang,XIE Fang,SHI Yong-yong,LIN Qian
(Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Institute,Guizhou University,Guiyan 550003,China)
Abstract:Based on the analysis of coal combustion process,the coal combustion process is separated into coal drying process,coal pyrogenation process,combustion process and slag separation process in this study. Each process is analyzed in detail and the corresponding mathematical model is established. The optimization of conventional separator model is focused. The model of coal combustion process is applied to Texaco gasifier. The simulated data is consistent with that the literature reported,which proves that the model of coal burning process established is reasonable. It is basic to the numerical simulation study of coal combustion process and can be applied in the numeri....